Network for the Empowerment, the social and labor inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults
To increase the capacity of a wide array of key stakeholders responsible to support minors, assure them protection and recovery to tackle human trafficking while developing an effective approach for third countries trafficked children in two MSs Italy, Spain, namely two of the EU borders MSs on the Mediterranean migrants’ routes.
An enhanced REFERRAL MECHANISM and strengthened link to the anti-trafficking network.
Ensuring Trafficked minors early detection, risks and needs assessment, PROTECTION , recovery and safe and MEANINGFUL INTEGRATION.
Connect and ENGAGE STAKEHOLDERS on human trafficking DETECTION.
Encourage the definition of COORDINATED holistic SOLUTIONS in identifying child vots, involving stakeholders in Italy, and Spain.
mapping of stakeholders and needs.
Mapping and analyses of existing materials on the identification of trafficked minors and their support/exchange of mapped procedures and tools.
Development/Delivery and follow up of a Training Package.
Built with Wagtailitalia