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Balkan Region Report – March 2021

This report looks at the direct and indirect violence that people face at borders in the region and the way border enforcement has adapted to maximise the abuse of transit communities. In profile were those killed at borders and interiors last month – directly because of the lack of safe passage into the EU.

It analyses among other things:

  • “Border Killings” on truck and foot routes
  • Pushbacks of minors and families from Croatia
  • Further pushbacks in the tri-border from Bulgaria
  • Fixed and mobile surveillance technologies
  • Law changes and litigation from Slovenia, Hungary and Greece

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Report di monitoraggio MSNA

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EASO Asylum Report 2020 - Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union

The 2020 edition of the EASO Asylum Report offers a concise and comprehensive overview of key developments in international protection and the functioning of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). To produce its annual flagship report, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) collects and analyses information from a wide range of reliable sources to provide an in-depth look at policy changes and improvements over the course of the year, while underlining challenges which remain to be addressed.

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La Strada International Website

La Strada International is a European NGO Platform against human trafficking, that works from a human rights perspective in support of trafficked persons. The platform aims to prevent human trafficking and to protect and realise trafficked persons’ rights. This is done by providing access to adequate assistance and support to victims, and via information and knowledge exchange, capacity building of NGOs and other stakeholders and cross-sectoral cooperation. Focus is on monitoring and advocacy for change to ensure accountability for the effective implementation of European Anti-Trafficking policies and regulations.

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Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality (TEMVI)

The EU Commission funded project TEMVI - Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality. Forced criminal activities as a new form of exploitation in human trafficking: knowledge and human rights based practices (HOME/2013/ISEC/AG/THB/400000549) has been implemented from September 2014 until August 2016. 

The project has envisaged a series of actions such as:

  • research and analysis of the impact of trafficking for the purpose of exploitation in forced criminal activities on the partner countries (Italy, Romania, Hungary and France);
  • Multi-agency trainings;
  • Analysis and exchange of the results of the research on the phenomenon and on the practices identified, to be carried out through 3 transnational meetings
  • Development of models of operational multi-agency protocols to help victims of forced criminal activities, with particular reference to Roma minors;
  • Dissemination of the project’s results

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