The final events will take place in Venice and Padua, Italy
The Final events of the N.E.x.T TO YOU project will take place on November 14 and 15 in Venice at the headquarters of the Veneto Region at Palazzo Grandi Stazioni, Fondamenta Santa Lucia, Cannareggio 23. More in detail, the day of the 14th will involve the project partners engaged in the morning in a visit to the services offered by the Italian National System to protect victims of trafficking in the Veneto Region (Padua, Project N.A.V.I.G.A.Re: Network Antitratta per il Veneto, Intersezioni, Governance e Azioni Regionali) and, in the afternoon, in a series of concluding meetings of the project. They will be devoted to realize a synthesis of what has been achieved during the project and at defining the actions that can follow up in terms of implementation of the practices identified and of all that has been gathered during the actions that have accompanied the experience of comparison between operatives and exchange in terms of knowledge thanks precisely to the Project.
Finally, on the day of the 15th there will be with the Final Conference whose programme - very ambitious in terms of presentations - aims to give an account of the work that the project has accomplished and to consider in operational and policy terms the synergies that exist and those that can be implemented with other projects. In short, the day is geared toward framing the issue of trafficked minors and young adults in a holistic dimension and looking to the future to follow up on the partnership built and broaden its potential for future collaborations.
ONLINE event available, sign in before November 8 by clicking the link in the attached programme.