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ENSA General Assembly 2022, part 2

November 15, 2022

The Veneto Region and the ENSA (European network of Social Authorities) have the pleasure to invite you to the second part of the General Assembly 2022 that, thanks to the improving of the COVID situation, can be hold face to face for those who have the possibility to come.

The objective of the meeting will be to update together the bodies of the network, according to the changes that have occurred in the last years, and the statutes. In addition, suggestions to the general guidelines of the annual programme can be exchanged for future developments.

Furthermore, we will take this opportunity to provide to the thematic working groups a possibility to share their priorities taking advantage of a specific invitation of the final meeting of the N.E.x.T TO YOU project (Network for the Empowerment, the social and labour inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults).


ENSA General Assembly 2022, part 1, ELISAN steering Committee and Youth Care Platform meeting RUAS webinar "Challenging global health equity – the power of collaboration"

Jan. 24, 2022 - Jan. 26, 2022

International and European Networking Days

The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences - School of Health Care Studies (RUAS) together with ENSA (European network of Social Authorities), the Veneto Region, the Youth Care Platform, the ELISAN Network and the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe organized the ENSA General assembly and the ELISAN Steering Committee and the RUAS webinar "Challenging global health equity" that took place on the 24th, 25th and 26th of January 2022 in which the N.E.x.T. TO YOU has been high on the agenda, specifically in the ENSA Youth, family and child working groups.


Committee on Environment and Health Crisis: Governance and Solidarity Challenges

Dec. 14, 2021

Conference of INGOS of the Council of Europe


EU antitrafficking day

Oct. 18, 2021

"Precariousness or slavery is not a job!” Conference of the INGOs of the Council of Europe

To mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October) and the European Anti-Trafficking Day (18 October), the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe organized two main events, on the 18th of October:

  • A ceremony with leading personalities of the Council of Europe and testimonies of persons who have been victims of trafficking or whose rights to decent work have been denied;
  • A webinar entitled “Precariousness of slavery is not a job!” was held, exploring the issue of decent work (with reference to the revised European Social Charter).

Learn More

Life Beyond the Shelter, AMIF - Final event

Sept. 10, 2021

Round Table and Practitioners Talk

Sustainable Freedom: Unlocking the inclusive growth of human trafficking survivors

Organizer: Payoke


Committee on Environment and Health Crisis: Governance and Solidarity Challenges

June 23, 2021

Conference of INGOS of the Council of Europe


Living and housing challenges with inclusive responses in Post Covid time

April 15, 2021

Coordination by Veneto Region and ISRAA Treviso, Collaboration of the Youth Care Platform

Presentation by Barbara Maculan, President of Equality, Italy and Carmen Martínez-Raposo, Human trafficking Referee and Human Aid Programmes, Fundaciòn Cruz Blanca, Spain


ENSA international webinar “Opportunities of the new Multiannual Financial Framework”

Dec. 14, 2020

Coordination by the City of Rotterdam, Conseil Départemental du Val-de-Marne, Veneto Region

Enhancing and networking about the N.E.x.T. TO YOU.

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